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-Revolucion Bohemia


Denial is part of the process of reincarnation. The people who know me probably know of my "anti-denial preaching", but I' ve been thinking lately that there is actually more than one form of denial.


We have:

The Conscious Angry/Sad Denial: is what most people think about when you mention the word "denial". A person, usually tired of dealing with reincarnation stuff, just decides to send everything to hell and go on with their current life, forgetting about the past. This could work for a few years, but eventually everything will come back, there is no escape, no way out. You can try to keep the monster in the closet, but you still have it in your house, and in the meanwhile it grows stronger. Then the slightest little tiny thing happens, and you get it all back. Well, at least you got a break in the meanwhile. 
Now... is it really necessary? I used to say no, and I don' t think it works for me, but maybe it works for others. Maybe there are times when past lives stuff is just TOO MUCH, and if you don' t leave it for a while it' ll kill you. However, keep in mind what it is----just a break.



The Doubting Denial: is another form of denial and the one I' ve been thinking the most lately. It' s totally different from the doubts at the beginning of the journey, so let' s not confuse them. The doubts at the beginning of the journey are NECESSARY and they KEEP YOU SANE and scientific, you need them in order to figure out who you really were and to not fall in common identity traps. With the denial doubts, you already know who you were, you' ve been researching it for years, everything matches and everything makes sense. However, something happens, and you remember something you don' t like, or whatever, and then you start with the questions: "Maybe I' m crazy and I' m imagining it all?" "Maybe everything makes sense because it' s in my head" " "Maybe it's some sort of archetypal affinity" "Maybe instead of a Brit fighting the Boers I was a Boer and I' m projecting everything" Validations? Uh...I don' t know, Coincidences? You disregard all your research and memories and get stuck again with newbie questions that you already answered long ago. If the conscious angry/sad denial can last years, this one I don' t think even lasts days, but not because of that is less curious. 
If you have doubts about something, then you don' t fully accept it, you stay in the doubt without making any sort of compromises. It' s easy, because you're not attached to it. So it' s some sort of mental defense mechanism to not deal with stuff.

The "But it Was Somebody Else!" Denial: is the most difficult to overcome. I don' t know too much about it, but from what I see, you have past life memories, and even though in your memories you see your pl self as yourself... you then, consciously or unconsciously "put a barrier" between the past and the present and you see that person as a stranger. Whatever you did in the past has nothing to do with whoever you are now, because that was somebody else, you just "Happen to have his/her memories" (I' ve actually read somebody saying that).
I think this is a very dangerous form of denial, because there are many blocks that have to be removed in order to see things clearly. And c' mon ... seriously... if you just "Happen to have this person' s memories" how the heck are you going to give them a good use for your actual life?? If I remember my neighbor' s life from cradle to grave I surely won' t know what to do with the memories except writing a good boring book.


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