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Past Life Mood


I read this expression, "past life mood", and it made me smile. It’s a bit hard to translate it into Spanish and it’s difficult to explain it to people who are not into past lives. I understand it now, after months reading about reincarnation, but I was wondering, is it the same for all of us? What does “past life mood” exactly mean to you? Is it that you’re feeling melancholic and don’t know why? Are you feeling some kind of emptiness? Or do you want just to “disconnect” from the present and travel to another time where you felt better?

These are being my first holidays since I started my pl journey. I’m trying not to think too much about the past, I’m not meditating (I’m too tired for that anyway), I’m only reading MPL now and then, nothing too intense, just relaxing and observing… and I’m finding I get the same old feelings I got all these years ago when I was just resting and with an empty mind, only now I truly know what it is: it’s not my special sensitivity, it’s not my imagination, it’s not the hormones… they’re just feelings that come from inside, with no clear origin and not related to present issues, unexplainable feelings, reflections from another time that surface with or without reason. Is this what you’d call “past life mood”? 


Just an example: sunny day, you’re in the beach, your only worry is what you’re going to have for lunch, a calm sea right in front of you, and the clear horizon in the distance (now that I wear one-day contact lenses I see it sooooo clearly)… some romantic music on the mp3, and you have it, suddenly a scene starts to play before your eyes, as if you’re seeing it in another part of your brain: an old ship leaving harbor, and you’re watching it from a high place, the man you love goes sailing and long lonely hours are awaiting, in a house you’ve never been before but can see so clearly in your mind, until he comes back again… that is, if he ever returns *sigh*. Yeah, it sounds so romantic, it would be nice if it didn’t hurt so much and the emptiness wasn’t so real… So, for a while, you seem to be daydreaming, amazed your heart beats so fast, lost in some “fantasies” you’ve just created… or is there something more? 

Well, now I call this “past life mood”. I still don’t have all the pieces but now I have no doubt where these feelings are coming from. Hard to tell someone: “Oh, don’t worry, I got a bit emotional just recalling some old memories… but not from this life”. So I still keep it to myself. But it wasn’t always this way. I have to say, before I saw that scene during meditation (and others that are already a part of me, forever), I used to “imagine” other things, but the strong emotions were there anyway, though I couldn’t identify where they were coming from. So, I wonder, how do you feel when you go into this mood? And also, how did you learn to pay attention and not dismiss the whole thing as “just my imagination”? I’m curious to know how you all reached this point in which you knew or suspected there was something else than just “feelings” or weird dreams.

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