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Our Views About Reincarnation


Frequently, when someone thinks they are perhaps remembering a past life, they'll utilize the quickest tool available: the internet. Makes sense. What other resource is out there where, within a matter of seconds, a person is able to find a large amount of information from book excerpts to videos, from support sites to personal experiences, on any subject?


Unfortunately, the majority of past life information on the internet is loaded with vague New Age concepts, including twin flames, psychics, tarot, walk ins, and guardian angels. If you assume that 'the soul braid' is the newest dance move, don't know the difference between a chakra and Chaka Khan, think paying a psychic is akin to throwing money into a bonfire, and are left cold by the idea of Atlantis, then you're not alone!  Some people do find answers when looking to these methods, but what if you're just not the kind of person into such things?


The Military Past Lives community was created with the idea that reincarnation is a naturally occuring process, not something supernatural to be feared or even necessarily a New Age idea. Actually, a lot people remember a past life, they just either don't recognize it for what it is or the feelings make them uncomfortable so they don't go further in their exploration. We also recognize that some people remember more than others and, given the right triggers, everyone can start piecing together their past lives. 

We also stress the importance of measuring memories and gut feelings against the historical record, a crucial step to past life acceptance.


Where it's true that figuring out your past lives can be exciting, often unsettling, sometimes heartwrenching and, when hitting the books, even a bit boring, it's a valuable experience. Understanding your past explains your present: How you see the world. How you relate to the people in it. Where you're going. And, not to sound cliche, you begin to realize what it all means. In time, you'll find that the initial step you took in researching a singular memory turned into so much more.


If wondering about your past lives is what brought you here, then take the time to read this site. If you like what you see and want to know more, we invite you to our discussion group, the Military Past Lives Forum, where regular people, just like you, gather to talk about reincarnation.  



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