Reincarnation Quotes
Some our favorites.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to animal,
I died as an animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
― Rumi
I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions in was not yet able to answer; that I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me.
- Carl Jung
Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives.
- Henry Ford
Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
― Rumi
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
I recognized you instantly. All of our lives flashed through my mind in a split second. I felt a pull so strongly towards you that I almost couldn't stop it.
― J. Sterling, In Dreams
I have been told that Reincarnation is a very gloomy religion; that the law of karma leaves life without hope. I can answer this by saying that Reincarnation has nothing to do with religion. Reincarnation is a natural law in operation, a penetration into the laws of cause and effect. Science has taught us (in the physical world) that nothing can die, for nothing is ever totally extinguished. When one form of animation leaves the body another is switched on. The body which is alive in all its cells begin to function in another direction. It fertilizes life, which life in turn fertilizes other life.

And only the enlightened can recall their former lives; for the rest of us, the memories of past existences are but glints of light, twinges of longing, passing shadows, disturbingly familiar, that are gone before they can be grasped, like the passage of that silver bird on Dhaulagiri.
― Peter Matthiessen, The Snow Leopard
Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist.
- Benjamin Franklin
I am no Hindu, but I hold the doctrine of the Hindus concerning a future state (rebirth) to be incomparably more rational, more pious, and more likely to deter men from vice than the horrid opinions inculcated by Christians on punishments without end.
- William Jones
I don't think that science and the paranormal have to be at war; in fact, it's crucial that they work together. It seems naïve to believe that the world is exactly as it seems.
― Chelsie Shakespeare, The Pull
Until we find out who was born this time around, it seems irrelevant to seek earlier identities. I have heard many people speak of who they believe they were in previous incarnations, but they seem to have very little idea of who they are in this one. . . . Let’s take one life at a time. Perhaps the best way to do that is to live as though there were no afterlife or reincarnation. To live as though this moment was all that was allotted.
― Stephen Levine, A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last
Friends are all souls that we've known in other lives. We're drawn to each other. Even if I have only known them a day, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know.
-George Harrison
My only fear of death is reincarnation.

It's so silly. All you do is get the heck out of your body when you die. My gosh, everybody's done it thousands of times. Just because they don't remember, it doesn't mean they haven't done it.
- J D Salinger
I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums… All my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me… Oh, incalculable times again shall I be born.
- Jack London
He saw all these forms and faces in a thousand relationships… become newly born. Each one was mortal, a passionate, painful example of all that is transitory. Yet none of them died, they only changed, were always reborn, continually had a new face: only time stood between one face and another.
- Herman Hesse, Nobel Laureate
She said she’d often wondered why she wanted to do some things and not do other things at all. Well, it was obvious with some things, but for others, there was no reason there. She’d spent a long time puzzling it out, then she thought that what you’d done in a past life you didn’t need to do again, and what you had to do in the future, you wouldn’t be ready to do now.
― Jeanette Winterson
I have been born more times than anybody except Krishna.
-Mark Twain
So as through a glass and darkly, the age long strife I see, Where I fought in many guises, many names, but always me.
-General George S. Patton
The journey between what you once were
and who you are now becoming
is where the dance of Life really takes place.
- Barbara De Angelis
But Buddy was an upper.
He was happy.
He loved music, and he was really happy.
I don't know...
I don't believe in reincarnation at all,
but if all that stuff is true, then he might have been on his last time around.
- Waylon Jennings