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This is a question I ask myself quite often lately. Apparently innocent, but it leads to one of the most serious and important subjects I’ve come across since I started to remember: guilt.

Imagine you are talking with a bunch of old friends, all adult and responsible (or at least that’s what we let the others see of ourselves), and you remember with a smile the crazy things you did when you were only a kid or a teenager: a night that went wild and the police came to maintain order; your mother’s face when she saw you turning up late at night totally drunk; dine and dash in a restaurant or steal something in a shop… Well, only you know what you have done in your youth. I hope it’s only this kind of mischiefs… which now appear to be silly adventures without big consequences and you wouldn’t do again. So, fortunately, you can smile when you recall them and you can ask yourself: “What the Hell were we thinking?”


What Were We Thinking?

past life guilt reincarnation

Now let’s compare this to the dark memories that sometimes, during our regressions, or maybe in a spontaneous way, come to our brain, from our past lives. Quite often these memories are not totally clear. Usually there is no doubt about what you did, neither the reason why you did it, though I think it’s easy that the real conditions we were living in and the way we were educated escape us. After all, what we get is short frames of a long movie we have to rebuild little by little, like a puzzle. And, be it immediately, or after some time to assimilate them, these memories start to bring you feelings of remorse, guilt, sadness… you try to deny reality, you try to look for excuses… until you accept it, and you believe you can turn the page.

During this process, I think that sometimes we are very hard on ourselves. And if it’s a famous past life, the rest of the people will also judge us for crimes that sometimes we don’t even remember exactly, if it wasn’t for the countless historical references everywhere. I don’t know, maybe it’s the normal process, the reason why we remember, what finally make us grow and evolve spiritually. But my question is: can they really judge us? Can they really tell us how we must feel and accept the pity or the pat in our backs as the only way out? Can we really judge ourselves for what we did in the past? Usually there are no doubts about when something is terribly wrong, but I don’t think we get to understand the whole picture that led us to do it. With this I don’t mean bad actions are justified, but I don’t think that anyone deserves an eternal suffering for a mistake made so long ago, in a time and in a historical context completely different to the present one.



Many people, when you talk to them about reincarnation for the first time, think you “believe” in it because it’s something wonderful, or because you don’t accept the idea that one day you will die and everything will be over. Well, the truth is that remembering past lives is not so wonderful… I’ve known people who probably wish not to remember, as not everything that you remember is pleasant. Apart from the problems you have in your present life, a lot of feelings from those past lives, just as real and intense, fall over you, and you need some time to assimilate all that information, to get over it, and to be at peace with yourself again.

One of those feelings is guilt. Because, even when you don’t believe it, even when you may think you’re the best person in the world and you’d never hurt anyone… it’s very likely that you did so in the past. Perhaps back then you didn’t feel any remorse, or perhaps you did feel it but circumstances made you to keep it hidden in some dark place of your being. The thing is that remorse comes back to you and makes you feel bad.
When you have past life memories, it’s not all as clear as in a movie. It’s a hard work, you find out little by little who you were, what problems you had to face and what decisions you made. This process can last a few years. And very rarely you get to understand it all. That’s why I think we must not be so hard when judging ourselves for something we did in a past life. Because circumstances were different, your education was different, the historical context was another one… something that today would be considered an atrocity, maybe it was alright in the past. It’s ok to feel guilt some time and reflect on what you did, or if you could prevent it somehow… It’s not a matter of running away from it, but learning from your mistakes and going on with your life. 

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